Recognize the way you feel and trust your intuition to find the right way to deal with the responsibilities you're confronted with. Don’t be shy about showing the affectionate side of your personality – in doing so you improve your relationships. Don’t force others or try to get them to be as equally open as you - they may not be able to cope with it.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Excellent understandingParticularly good at supporting a cause, your ability to empathize and be sensitive to the needs of others shows results, not just in your personal life, but also in family relationships too. In making plans for your next excursion or a special purchase, don’t forget your own needs, you may end up going over the top by trying to do too much for others.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Worn outYou find it difficult to make decisions, and it's even harder to justify them to others. Avoid arguments and put off any important conversations for a while. Be more open; it’s when people know how you feel they understand why you’re so hesitant. Feeling drained and worn out, both physically and emotionally, concentrate on regaining your strength.